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Blog - apple pay

​Apple Pay China: cooperation with UnionPay & Alibaba

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Apple pay china

The fact that Apple is planning to offer its payment service Apple pay in the coming year in China, we have already reported to you in detail. And now it seems that the whole project takes up relatively fast pace. According to insider reports Apple could achieve cooperation with UnionPay namely, which has a kind of monopoly position in the credit card market in China.

Banks must still approve the 0.15% fee

Insiders report that now must approve the deal, only the individual banks, then the introduction would stand in the way nothing more. Besides this would the 0.15% fee, which once extends Apple at every Apple Pay transaction, disagree. Still, it seems a few banks admit that this fee seems too high. Furthermore, it seems that Apple also is another co-Deal respect. Apple could pay threading. Namely, with the online shopping portal Alibaba, then to offer a payment option with the payment service on its online offer.

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The launch of Apple pay in Europe is imminent. Here Apple wants to start with the mobile payment service only in the UK and from there is then the European continent are "conquered". As recently speculated that Apple pay the starting signal will fall on Tuesday, where there is appropriate evidence now from the finance [...]

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