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Blog - SDK for apple watch

"Much better" Apple Watch apps from autumn

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In early June, the Group plans to release a SDK to develop native clock apps that gives new possibilities - and to bring better software.

Shortly Third Party Developers can write native apps for Apple Watch. The manufacturer plans to release the beta version of a new software development kit (SDK) for developers WWDC conference, which begins on June 8, as Operations CEO Jeff Williams has announced in an interview. Currently there are approximately 4,000 Apps for the clock, so Williams - the possibility in the future to develop native software for Apple Watch'll Apps but produce "much better".

Currently the WatchKit Apps third-developers run exclusively as an extension of an existing iPhone app - the work done the mobile phone, the clock serves as a kind of remote control with its own user interface. This has, among other means that may lead to disturbing delays and the functionalities of WatchKit apps remains limited.

Native apps are able to use the sensors of Apple Watch, confirmed Williams - this is particularly important for fitness and sports apps. The clock has among other things an acceleration and heart rate monitor, but do not have a GPS module. Developers will be able to also take into account the digital crown as an input device which offers scrolling and zoom functions. Even then games run independently of the iPhone directly on the clock, said Williams. First Watch native apps from third-developers are to appear in the autumn.

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