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Apple Music: Guided tour by explaining the functions and features

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Apparently the new music offering for some users is so confusing that this so do not find their way. Where the streaming begins range of what is on the radio offer, how does that with Connect? And where the hell my iTunes songs are now gone? Thus also less technically-savvy users be able to cope in the admittedly very extensive music offering, Apple has begun to post small Guided tour videos, which explain you the Apple Music feature in detail and shows what you order actually can do.

Reminder: a free trial period is about to expire!

In a few days of free trial period (30.9.2015) ends, you should have chosen directly to release the free subscription. Insiders believe that this could be related to the publication of instructional videos. Customers who felt overwhelmed by the offer, or simply can not cope found, could be helped with these instructions clips. And is the result then also the chance that this switch to the paid listing. And now the clips:

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