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Blog - iPad

Apple iPad: Where do the problems?

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iPad Pro

First of all, this is a look at the competition was thrown from the Devices with Google Android and the Microsoft Surface is. But this was by no means define, while the Apple iPad has slowed in terms of sales and profits - on the contrary, the competitors suffered losses during this period.

There is in principle no single reason why the Apple iPad has slowed in terms of success. Rather, it seems to be a combination of Apple's own lineup and the typical update cycle to be of iPad buyers.

iPad Pro as a reason for new upswing Through the iPhone 6 (s) and the iPhone 6 (s) Plus, all of which are significantly more successful than their predecessors, there is for some customers no reason to rely on the iPad because the screen size is no longer so involves large differences.

Moreover, it is so that iPad customers are not their device, like the iPhone, upgrade every year, but longer times between upgrades. At least, Apple may well on the iPad Pro leave, because this is to offset the decline in profits of the iPad division, making the iPad would reach its sales more with quality than quantity.

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