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The best movies on Netflix right now are not always the easiest to find. Rather than spending your time scrolling through categories, trying to track down the perfect film to watch, we’ve done our best to make it easy for you at USCardCode.com where sell Netflix Card Online by updating our Best Movies to watch on Netflix list each month with new additions and overlooked crystals alike.

Here are the top 5 movies streaming on Netflix in November 2017:

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Rogue One

Rogue One is a complete film in a way that no other Star Wars movie other than A New Hope is capable of being. It doesn’t “set the stage” for an inevitable next installment, and its characters are all the more real for the fact that they’re not perpetually sheathed in blaster-proof Franchise Armor. It is, so helps me, a satisfyingly complete story, and I had no idea until I watched the film how refreshing that concept would be.

Clouds of Sils Maria

Clouds of Sils Maria

the core of Clouds of Sils Maria is a single feeling, encompassed within a single image. In the titular clouds, which are only observable at certain times, under certain conditions, there is the intuition that there is so much else in this world to see. And the film aches with this sentiment, that no matter what we accomplish, we will always miss out on something equally worth accomplishing: some other part to play, some other life to live. Such, Assayas claims, is the bittersweetness of life.

I don’t feel at home in this world anymore.

I don’t feel at home in this world anymore.

Winner of the U.S. Dramatic Grand Jury Prize at this year’s Sundance. Director Macon Blair’s debut feature is a totally audacious genre outing unafraid to slip for a moment or two into the sweet relief of magical realism. a quiet loner, comes home to find her house robbed, and when the police won’t help, she seeks vigilante justice with an equally socially inept neighbor, Tony (Elijah Wood)—but his ever-increasingly sprawling plot is fueled by a myopic moral perspective rendered in black and white.



The head villain/eventual hero (there’s a sickening number of terrible Hellraiser sequels) behind Clive Barker’s Hellraiser franchise is the Cenobite Pinhead, sent from the pits of his own personal hell dimension to drag you down into the depths with him. Where he tortures you. For eternity. All because you opened a fancy Rubik’s Cube.


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