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​Taylor Swift's music video causes bad blood with Bethells beachgoers

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Taylor swift

Not all Aucklanders are thrilled to have Taylor Swift in their midst.

The pop superstar and her music video team are accused of threatening an endangered bird species while filming at Auckland's Bethells Beach.

Locals are concerned about the impact the huge crew was having on doterells, which nest at the beach.

Sandra Coney, who chairs the Waitakere Ranges Local Board, is appalled - and believes Swift broke the terms of her filmiing permit.

"Taylor Swift filming at Bethells this week. Permission was given for I think 2 vehicles, instead there were about a dozen. Parks not happy at all," Coney wrote on Facebook.

"We are trying to minimise vehicles on beaches for good reasons but at Bethells there are baby dotterels. We have developed a dotterel management plan as there is a heap of filming out there, and we welcome it as economic activity that should leave no footprint, but Taylor's lot did not respect the environment or the conditions of their consent."

Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (Ateed) confirmed to the New Zealand Herald that a permit to film on the beach was issued for use on Monday, November 23 for between 9am to 7pm.

Only two essential vehicles were allowed to be used, and the crew was told to "stay alert for baby dotterels", spokesman Michael Brook said.

Ateed did not know whether Swift's crew had breached the conditions of the permit.

The Department of Conservation's website appeared to be down overnight, potentially thanks to Swift fans looking up the dotterel.

Up to 2000 northern dotterels remain, with conservationists working to bolster the bird's population through breeding programmes.

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