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Star Wars: New trailer releast!

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Star war trailer

now published Disney Japan a fourth trailer, which you have not seen as likely. And since we know that the iOS fans are eagerly waiting for the new part of the Star Wars series, we deliver you the latest trailer of course also here after.

Rey, Finn, BB8 & Han Solo

In the 112-seconds-long clip we meet Scrap Collector Rey, the deserted Trooper Finn and of course the cute BB8 Droid (Res companion). Then follow a few impressive shots of the Millenium Falcon and a short teaser of a space battle with X-Wings & Co. Finally, we hear Harrison Ford to as taken in the day Han Solo, the Finn and Rey confirmed that "the ancient legends around power, the Jedi and the dark side are true! ".

Where's Luke?

Who we are is still missing in the trailers of the good Luke Skywalker. Why this appeared in any of the trailer is hotly debated by fans worldwide. Expected to an appearance of this main character would spoil too much of the storyline. At 17:12 Star Wars starts also with us in the cinema. Many ideas are already booked, so you should hurry you if you still want to get tickets for the premiere. Alternatively, you can even look on eBay, if there who can offer tickets for your wishful thinking. Because of the Star Wars hype also scammers want to benefit, you should make sure you personally with the seller at a card buying private.

What do you feel? It is so excited. I really expect to see it. Do not forget get more credit with iTunes gift card code from us to enjoy it if you do not have time to go to the cinema.


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