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​People are so suprise About The “Same-Sex Surprise” In ‘Beauty and the Beast’

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Beauty and the Beast

In 2017, so it’s about time that Prince Charming is no longer limited to only finding his princess in Disney movies and it looks like the Emma Watson - starring Beauty and the Beast is addressing this head-on. The live action reboot set to hit theaters March 17 will feature Disney’s first “exclusively gay moment”.

It didn’t take long for the internet to run rampant with a series of reactions to the news, ranging from excitement for Disney’s social progress to frustration that they had chosen to make their first openly gay character a bumbling, villainous side role who lusts after a macho straight character.

Great news for Disney's fans. If you are one of them you can visit USCardCode.com to buy iTunes Gift Card to get more credit to enjoy it in March 17


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