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​iPad Pro: On 11/11/2015 Online & Store Sale?

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iPad Pro

the new XXL Tablet iPad Pro will be available in both the online stores as well as in retail stores on 11/11/2015. Previously, Apple had only let announced that the new iDevices "sometime in November" should be available. Now there is a fixed date, though no official.

12.9 inch Tablet XXL in 10 days available!

Anyone who is planning to buy the new tablet, should be the next Wednesday on fat in their calendars. Furthermore, also the associated keyboard and the stylus on this date will be available, if you believe the source. Priced the iPad Pro will start at 799 USD. The employees of the Apple stores close on 06.11.2015 its internal "iPad Pro Training" from, another indication that the insider information with the said date, could be true.

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