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iPad Pro is for many to replace the desktop PC / Laptop

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"You need only an iPhone and an iPad Pro!" Tim Cook said

Cook`s opinion the iPad Pro is namely replace the laptop or desktop PC for many users in the longer term. The user would notice after Cook`s statement that they actually "only her iPhone and the iPad need". Whether for work, play or multimedia entertainment. Now that's a significant challenge in the direction of the big players of the desktop / laptop segment. The complete interview in the original can be found here.

Desktop replacement: not only useful for Hippster and Creative

In addition to the many creative fields of application and the Hippster usage as "fashion accessory" at Starbucks visit I also think at Cook's statement to the many "Family IT admins" who have to worry about the equipment of the family members. Just like Grandpa's laptop, which must be "maintained and viruses cleaned" at regular intervals by the grandson, because this inadvertently clicks everything flashes and lights up in the net. The iPad Pro should then be somewhat "low-maintenance" and less vulnerable.

And what is the situation with you? Will you strike immediately if the new device will be available?

With iTunes Gift Code Credit, you can use the US iTunes Store access to music, videos, apps, games, etc. download on the iPad pro.


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